
Blog Promotion

Let's see if I can manage to add myself to Technorati; I managed a blogroll somehow, after all.

Technorati Profile

It works! I'm not completely and utterly technologically inept!

As an aside, I should probably give credit where credit is due for the header image.

Background: Blogger
Book: Free clip art; text added by me
Flower-thing: GIMP "Floral Abstract" paintbrush created by Angeles

Clearly I am much more talented at "abstract art" (read: "splattering" a bunch of colors on a blank GIMP canvas and fucking around with the filters until I like the results). At least the glasses on the book are appropriate; my vision sucks without mine.


Oh, how awesome am I? I managed to get RSS-feed thing from Feedburner without destroying the universe! It even works. Back in the old days, I tell ya, we had to write our own HTML for everything. There was no such thing as a "blog", or a "wysiwyg" or any of that rubbish!

Also, we needed to walk to school uphill both ways, in 15 feet of snow.

1 comment:

Essin' Em said...

Ahha! I have found and blogrolled you. It only took me a few days. I have an excused; J broke up with me. I've been distraught. Still. 5 days is pretty good :) So far, I likey :)
