

Okay, so one more before the airport (ugh I hate flying so much!)

Did you know that Overstock.com sells vibrators and "massagers"? How hilarious is that? You have to search pretty hard for them: they're in the "relationships and intimacy" section.

Mind you, the vibes are hidden behind "adult image available". The women in skimpy corsets, thongs and "bunny" outfits are not. Go figure.

I wouldn't buy vibes from Overstock unless I already knew the brand and the specific vibe's properties; for instance, I might buy a Fun Factory vibrator if it was way less expensive than EF because I know that the vibrator is well-made and phthalates-free. I would NOT buy just any random vibe; apparently Overstock labels jelly/jel-ee/whatever brand variation as "plastic" at times (because I know that rabbit vibe is made of Jelly, dear Overstock, and you call it plastic!).

Anyway. I found it amusing. Since as a reviewer EF gives me free toys and lets me keep them, I'm not in desperate need of a vibrator right now.

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